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Common Mistakes made by new moms

Common Mistakes made by new moms

Nani PK |

No, we're not talking about the obvious "what were they thinking?" gaffes. You're probably performing some of these things right now without even recognizing it. Of course, It's not easy being a mother! Being a new parent (specially mother) is an emotional roller coaster unlike any other. Throughout the nine months of pregnancy, you will experience feelings of excitement, nervousness, and anticipation, and before you realize it, your baby will be here. The most frequent and natural emotion that first-time parents experience is tension and concern. But keep in mind that all parents make mistakes. What matters is that you know which ones to avoid and which ones are a necessary part of learning the ropes. Today, we're going to go over some of the most common mistakes made by new moms you can be better prepared as you begin your parenting adventure. Trust Nani and don't allow any of your common parenting mistakes define your experience!

Worrying too Much

Yes, we're going to start with the one thing that every parent struggles with throughout their lives: worrying! As previously stated, worrying about your child is really frequent. This is especially true for new parents, who must spend so much time just getting used to holding their newborns! It's made worse by the fact that your infant is too young to communicate anything. Things can get frustrating when all you have to work with is crying and misbehaving. However, there is a point at which worrying is no longer healthy or meaningful.

To begin with, your baby can sense all of your worry and anxiety. It's true that a baby in the womb is affected by a mother's stress. However, an infant can sense when things aren't going well with the parents, particularly if you're always worried and stressed. Second, if there's one thing that new parents require, it's rest and sleep. Sleepless evenings can be exhausting, and constantly fretting exacerbates the problem. Finally, by worrying so much, you're overlooking the importance of savoring your baby's first year of life. If you have any concerns about your child's health, consult a pediatrician, and trust your instincts to keep your worries at bay.

Comparing Growth

New parents frequently feel as if no one can relate to them, with the exception of, of course, other new parents! If you do this all the time, you'll find yourself comparing your baby to theirs. You'll constantly talk about baby milestones, trying to make sure your baby is developing correctly while also looking for indicators of developmental difficulties. This is common mistake made by moms that cause you to panic and worry for no apparent reason. A pediatrician is the only person who can truly tell you if your infant is healthy and help you out with common parenting mistakes. They do it with the help of growth charts, which you should learn to understand if you are frequently concerned about your baby's development.

Baby’s Sleeping Positions

You're probably wondering what we're talking about at this point, and you'd be correct. Co-sleeping is, after all, a tradition in Pakistan when it comes to infants. The issue of cots vs. cribs has only recently become relevant. Whatever you select, make sure your infant sleeps on his or her back. SIDS, or is a condition that affects nearly all new parents. Studies reveal an undeniable correlation between SIDS and sleeping incorrectly, despite the fact that the cause is mostly unknown. Putting your baby to sleep in a cot or crib (rather than close to you in bed) protects them from potentially harmful incidents. This isn't it they should also sleep on a hard, flat mattress, in addition to resting on their back. Piling is not a good idea.

Breastfeeding Stress

Breastfeeding is a uniquely mother activity that has both physical and emotional benefits. Whereas a common truth that is shrouded in secrecy is that every mother's experience is unique. While some wish to but are unable to, some prefer not to, and others quickly tire of it. All of these are totally regular situations, so don't get too worked up about them. Bottle-feeding is an acceptable substitute for breastfeeding. If you have any questions or concerns about nursing, you should speak with specialist. Most importantly, not nursing does not make you any less of a mother to your child for whatever reason.

Burping Issues

One of the most common mistakes new parents make in the first year is not burping their kid appropriately. The reason for this is that most new parents are concerned about handling their newborn, especially in the first few months. Not handling them incorrectly, allows them to slip, or injuring them is too great. What's the end result? After a feed, you swiftly place them back down. Failing to correctly burp your baby will have negative implications for both them and you. They will split up due to the trapped gas, losing some of the milk and soiling their clothes.

Above are some common mistakes made by new moms that doesn’t need to be worried about if done correctly. All common parenting mistakes are a part of rising the child blunders, which is totally okay! Do you have any doubts? Being a parent is one of the most difficult tasks you will ever have, particularly in the first few months with your child. is a platform that will eventually help you to master the art of Parenting. We priorities our clients' interests and values believing in a culture of inquiry, invention, and going above and beyond to discover and create something new. Merely being aware of some typical blunders listed above form can make the entire process easier and less stressful.

Common mistakes made by new moms

Common Parenting Mistakes

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