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A Mother’s Hands Are Always Full

A Mother’s Hands Are Always Full

Nani PK |

Although not entitled to be on the resume, motherhood yet is one full-time job. But again according to studies conducted, it has been reached upon that two and half full-time jobs are what equals that of a woman catering to her children at home all day. An average mother spends a total of 14 hours per day tending to this ‘job’, leaving behind little to no time and energy to spare for herself.

Motherhood! A Full-Time Job

In a world like that of today, we need to stop belittling the fact that motherhood too can be a full-time job. It often is considered that the term ‘housewife’ refers to a more tense and carefree mode of life, whereas it actually is quite the opposite in reality. Some fail to all in all even recognize it as a job. In truth, it is more of it because it demands the same amount of dedication, time and attention towards itself. Perhaps sometimes even more than that, to the point of having you drained completely.

A mother has so much on her plate when it comes to home and children. The single sole has to manage all the house herself, do the daily chores and attend to their children. Children seem to make the usual work more hectic and stressed for the mothers, which in short makes them tired.

Working women are indeed strong, juggling between the office and home. But quitting your career and being a 24-hour employee to your home and children, is a whole new experience, which needs to be more appreciated and lesser looked down on. On a lighter note, it is also reported that becoming a mom, makes women better at work. The sense of responsibility and the constant push of not giving up no matter what the task on hand is something 9-5 jobs take time inculcating within their employees.

Never-Ending Housework

Being a mother is when the realization dawns upon them that this workplace is where one is their own boss, yet at the same time employed completely to their children. While doing all the rest, motherhood as a full-time job also produces in women very high levels of patience. Apart from tending and handling kids, a mother’s hands are always full of housework. The dirty dishes, the unfolded laundry and the never-ending cleaning and tidying. The Kiddoo works to ensure that mothers are given the rest and the help they deserve.

A mother has so much on her plate when it comes to home and children. The single sole has to manage all the house herself, do the daily chores and attend to their children. Children seem to make the usual work more hectic and stressed for the mothers, which in short makes them tired.

Appreciating What a Mother Does Daily

It is also believed that one parent should necessarily stay back with the child at home while the other goes off to work. Who better can it be than the mother who knows exactly how to tend to the never ending needs of the child, alongside helping them grow both mentally and physically. While advancing in fields all throughout the world, high time we also acknowledge and appreciate this one field that probably deserves the most – Motherhood.

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